Who We are
In life, we all face struggles and blessings. It’s all part of God’s amazing plan for us. We don’t know what we will face in our time on Earth, but we know God has a reason for it all. He will never let us face our struggles alone, as His master plan is divine. While we may never know why God needed them back, our family was blessed with Haven Grace and Jameson Lee. Before we were ever to hold their earthly bodies, their souls ascended back to Heaven and they became our angels. Haven and Jameson, you are always in our hearts and minds every moment of each day. In the midst of our darkest struggles, a blessing came. We were able to honor their memory by naming our family company “Havenlee”.
Haven was Ambers baby girl that passed before birth and Jameson was Heathers grandson that passed before birth as well. There will always be times that our faith is tested. When we don’t understand and we don’t have the answers we desperately want, we have our faith anchored in Him, and we know His love is unfailing. We know He carries us when we don’t think we can go any further. He is strong and steadfast in us, and His love and grace never fails.
Amber & Heather were both full time stay at home moms when we decided to try something. At first we started that popular and trendy thing shucking oysters for their pearls. And while we love that there was only so many settings and pearl colors. So Amber started making tee shirts and Heather joined in to help with the fb group!
Then in October of 2021 our first Brick & Mortar Store was rented and we opened that store in November. Then the following July we started our own Direct to Garment Printing & will be offering Embroidery services soon! Although we loved that little store we had the opportunity to expand into a bigger store and move to the Rockville Square in January of 2023 so we took it!
We would love for everyone to come visit us here at 112 S Market St. Rockville Indiana!
Family is everything in our lives. Being able to to share experiences of precious memories with each other is the basis on how we select each item! At Havenlees you become more then a customer! Honestly you become more like family!
We hope you find something you love but never be afraid to ask us and we will try our best to find what your looking for or help you create something!
Thank you so much for stopping by!
~ Amber & Heather ~